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New to UFOAI have some questions / critisisms / suggestions
--- Quote from: BTAxis on June 09, 2010, 10:53:28 am ---Does anyone know what is actually wrong with the RF system? And I don't mean a description of what it doesn't do and what it should do. I'm asking about what is WRONG with the system itself.
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maybe you could explain the question a bit?
if it is not about what it doesn't do, and it is not about what it should do, then maybe its is about what it does or what it shouldn't do?
somehow i feel that i didn't get it right.
maybe it is about whether it is ethical to rf?
what about reaction fire and marriage?
see, i have no clue about what you meant :'(
maybe it is that players say "wtf!!!" when they see an alien walking in front of 4 soldiers with rf.
and, you know, in the phrase 'wtf' there is the f-word, and the f-word is wrong.
What he's saying that if RF worked the way it is supposed to be working in the current mechanics, would there be anything wrong with that?
It's not working correctly at the moment, but if the RF bugs were ironed out, are the mechanics in and of themselves okay?
--- Quote from: homunculus on June 08, 2010, 11:23:55 pm ---basically what is being said here is that for, say, in the case of a 12 tu rf shot (according to the current wiki), the alien must run around in the line of sight of the soldier for 13..14 tu, which is like taking 4..7 steps.
if the alien shoots then it would look a bit better, because shooting would take more time units than moving.
but, if the alien's shot only took, say, 9 tu, then the alien would have 3 tu to jump back to cover without any risk of getting harmed by reaction fire even if your soldier could take the shot and live.
and this is because the soldier that was on reaction fire was waiting for the recoil tu before pulling the trigger.[...]
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those two, somewhat related things.
plus burst reaction fire could get some special treatment maybe, if suddenly a swarm of contributing programmers appeared.
to put it short, it would be better if recoil did not happen before pulling the trigger.
Alright, so basically the whole system that delays a soldier's shot by the TUs necessary to use the firemode needs to go, if I've understood the above correctly.
I don't think shots should be instantaneous, though. There should be SOME delay that prevents soldiers from taking shots at enemies that are only briefly visible (e.g. only for one step before vanishing again). Ideas?
--- Quote from: BTAxis on June 13, 2010, 01:13:26 am ---Alright, so basically the whole system that delays a soldier's shot by the TUs necessary to use the firemode needs to go, if I've understood the above correctly.
I don't think shots should be instantaneous, though. There should be SOME delay that prevents soldiers from taking shots at enemies that are only briefly visible (e.g. only for one step before vanishing again). Ideas?
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if the reaction fire does not depend on tu needed for the firemode, then people might start using as high tu shots (and as heavy weapons) as possible for reaction fire.
that might also look like an artifact.
earlier (buried somewhere in this thread) i was suggesting to treat movement tu-s and shooting tu-s differently so that reaction fire would happen earlier (as if in the middle of the time units of the fire mode) which turned out to be a half-baked suggestion.
based on this example in the wiki text, the corrected version (which i really hope is corrected now) of my previous suggestion would be like this:
time units needed to trigger reaction fire are doubled for soldier A, and the rf-triggering effect of soldier B spending tu in los of soldier A is also doubled.
shots that involve recoil happen as if the bullet left the barrel at half the tu of the firemode (when the tu of the firemode are doubled, it produces no fractional numbers).
or tripled to get the effect that trigger is pulled after 1/3 tu units of aiming, and the remaining 2/3 tu is the recoil.
or quadrupled to get 1/4 ratio.
i hope that counting the rf delay on soldier A and the effect of soldier B spending tu multiple times would not be a problem.
counting the tu multiple times is the only difference from the wiki text.
then it would not look like soldier B is running a marathon while soldier A is waiting for recoil to be over before pulling the trigger, while reaction fire still depends on firemode tu.
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