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do explosions travel thorugh walls

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do you have to do something special

hold shift or something to target the floor

No. Just target that square and the soldier will fire at it.

Just tap the shift button and it will cycle through floor, mid-level and above head on the selected floor lvl.  Works like a charm for grenade launchers, you can air burst their heads right over fences and hedges.  As for destructable terrain, I hope one day some one implements that, it used to be a major tactic for me in the old X-COM series.  Another tip: if there is doors, use 'em.  hitting backspace near a door allows for open/closing (1 Time Unit).  I had fun on an industrial level where a building had a door not far from the doors of a harvester and I had both flanks covered by the rest of my squad while my main character stood in front of the door. Open, fire, close, next turn, repeat and they dont seem to get a clue lol.  Always pack medkits on all your troops.  None of mine die this way, with them in pairs healing each other.

maybe i read (or dreamt i read) a long time ago that current engine does not allow for destructable walls. Or at least the devs didnt knew how to. Thinking the quote was similar to "If you can manage to make -this game engine- do that, be my guest"

Besides, You are an eco friendly Phalanx Unit! you recycle, use public transport, and mantain Private Property Walls unharmed. Also, you dont splatter the guts of aliens in front of children.

Speaking of which. The game needs more half sized civilians that run a lot, are a harder-to-hit-target, and will run into your soldier's LOS at every given chance. I mean those little human vermin known as Kids.


--- Quote from: Eaun on June 17, 2010, 08:34:37 am ---Speaking of which. The game needs more half sized civilians that run a lot, are a harder-to-hit-target, and will run into your soldier's LOS at every given chance. I mean those little human vermin known as Kids.

--- End quote ---

VERY true.  IMO we could use a lot of new civ models, of all ages, that fit the game's setting (about 80 years in the future) better.

Hmmm...   I think the next time I have more spare time on my hands, I just might model a few.  Yes, I think I'd like to try that.


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