General > Discussion

do explosions travel thorugh walls

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Lew Yard:
If it shouldn't be happening and not on a per-weapon-specific basis, then why is there a 'throughWall' parameter in the weapon UFO data and why did the 'resolve single shot' code check it and make provisions for reduced-damage wall-penetrating shots?  (Or at least there was, the last time I looked -- which was a while ago).

IIRC, only the sniper rifle, bolter rifle, coil gun, and minigun have it.

Hello I am new to the website but I have played X-Com for several years and have been playing UFO:AI for about 1 year. I just want to let everyone know in regards to explosions through walls. Today I was playing and (mis)threw a plasma grenade. It went up against the window and detonated, killing two aliens inside. The next map I intentionally did it a second time, but with a gas grenade. It was effective in stunning the alien. So in effect as long as the alien is next to a window and the grendade is against the wall, (or at least in the area of effect).


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