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you could try to debug the game via gdb (see wiki) and start ufo with "+set developer 1 +set vid_fullscreen 0" as parameters

* for endless loop: a strg+c in the debugger would stop the program
* otherwise (in case of a segfault) this is reported in gdb, too - just hit alt+tab to get the gdb console

type bt and print the output.

to install gdb (the debugger) just install dev-cpp (wiki) and add c:\dev-cpp\bin to your path variables (Workspace->Settings->Environment Variables)

that would really help to track that bug down. everything else might be guessing.

As soon as I'll have some more time I'll do it. In the next few days I guess.

And you can track down any mentions of "font" in the ufoconsole.log obtained with +set developer 1.

I can also get the game to crash with the same error you are encountering... but to do this I have to set the resolution very small (smaller than 600x400 from memory). However even at these small resolutions I can still at least get to the intro menu (and from there can increase the resolution).

Thanks ubequitz ! You are right, as I switched the game resolution to 1024x768 and higher the game no longer crashes:] So the problem must have something to do with font display at lower resolutions; thanks again:)


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