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I stumbled across this site the other day in one of my nostalgic X-COM withdrawl fits that have plagued me about 3 to 4 times a year since Microprose was bought out and the rights were passed around like a 5 dollar whore. The UFO series that came out was disappointing to say the least and I never bothered playing that aweful looking X-COM/FBI FPS wanna-be turd. Needless to say, I was extremely skeptical as I clicked "download" as nothing has compared to that special X-COM gameplay which haunts me to this day. After playing the game... I nearly imploded with absolute joy. Seriously, I prarie-dogged, You have made my day. I'd like to shake all your hands personally, I thought this genre was a long lost and dead part of my youth. This day and age offers games with great graphics and loads of effects but has lost the simple yet well thought out gameplay that gives older games like X-COM immortal replay value. Games now are so damn short... it's like the game industry has been overtaken by abused gen-X kids with severe ADD. I don't know what damn company holds the rights to the X-COM genre, but they need to bow down and simply hand the rights over to you guys and go make another My Little Pony game. What's amazing to me is that this is still not freeware as absolutely nothing has been done for X-COM by the entitled company for a decade or more. I understand that the fact that it is still being sold on-line may lead to court battles over damages , bull$h!t, etc. , but Isn't there an expiration date on the copyright that must be renewed? Hell, the legitamate retail version has been beyond outdated for OS'es for decades. There is a big enough X-COM fan base that I think where our voice could be heard. Has any one checked into this yet? Old dogs unite, ffs!
Another convert, I see. Welcome! :)
On the original X-Com, it's actually not a dead intellectual property, since it's being actively sold through Steam by Valve and can be run on modern operating systems via Dosbox.
--- Quote from: Edi on May 29, 2010, 10:57:51 pm ---Another convert, I see. Welcome! :)
On the original X-Com, it's actually not a dead intellectual property, since it's being actively sold through Steam by Valve and can be run on modern operating systems via Dosbox.
--- End quote ---
No kidding? I'll have to look into this. On another note, I'm currently attempting to study up on this TortoiseSVN thing. I went as far as possible on 2.2.1 and am utterly confounded as to what I need to do to run 2.3. After initial download the intro movie was choppy both in visual and sound, but everything else seemed to work fine, even played a "landed UFO" mission. Then I messed around in the Options and set it to full screen so I could edge-scroll the map in the battlescape... it crashed hard. Now it crashes when I enter missions, so I downloaded this Tortoise thing and have no idea how it works. I've never dabbled in this stuff... I'm dying to become literate so I can play/contribute. I'm guessing I need to compile maps and crap (what ever that means) but no idea yet how to even run the Tortoise. Heh, the manual is way over my head atm. UFO 2.3 looked sexy though, can't wait to figure this out.
Crap, now i'm seeing NSIS is what you use to compile... I'm so confused. I downloaded from Destructavator's link under because the link listed on the dl page doesn't bring anything up..
hi and welcome :)
You don't necessarily have to use tortoise/svn. Which OS are you on ?
If it's Windoze, you'll find a 2.3 installer in the win forum.
I'm running Win XP (not a fan of Vista) with GeForce 7600 GT, Asus MB, and crap load 'o ram. Forgot to mention my quad-core processesser if that makes a difference. I was just reading up on the installers. Don't know if I go with the 1st or 2nd stickey (Win32, or 2.3 Dev). Is there a noob-tard forum that can set me on the right path here? All I need is a start and I can figure stuff out from there, just one basic and simple tutorial for monkeys and I can master this on my own without wasting your prescious time from continueing progress on this beautiful masterpiece in progress. I'm still cramming all the forums and there is alot of stuff, so if you have the "monkey's link" you would spare me many hours and a cronic headache lol. I feel like I'm back in the military and thrown on an OJT training project. I'm assuming I should uninstall UFO, download an installer, then reinstall, correct?
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