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Production for profit
--- Quote from: ManicMiner on September 17, 2010, 05:44:16 pm ---Yes, I know what you mean. One thing that does bug me and that's when a whole bloc of nations go from borderline ecstacy to apathy in the space of three months despite you shooting down every alien ship that invades their airspace... while another bloc puts you on the Christmas card list despite you ignoring them completely.
I've yet to see anything in the UI to explain what it was you did to piss them off!
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While I'm not sure about this and there is nothing in the UI that would say this but I think the "on favourites list despite ignoring" is because those UFOs you shot down were heading towards those places and their leaders automagically know it. Conversely, the former issue might be caused by a too rapid "erosion" of the relations and the lack of intercepted UFOs (heading there).
Compliment, that's a brilliant theory :)
--- Quote from: Duke on September 18, 2010, 12:06:34 am ---@Hertzila:
Compliment, that's a brilliant theory :)
--- End quote ---
Thanks :)
But is that how it actually goes? I haven't checked any scripts or the code to see if that's how it works.
I didn't look it up either. geever probably knows how it works.
I was more referring to your ability to "think of things you don't see". Are you sure you're not a coder ?
--- Quote from: Duke on September 18, 2010, 12:34:37 am ---I didn't look it up either. geever probably knows how it works.
I was more referring to your ability to "think of things you don't see". Are you sure you're not a coder ?
--- End quote ---
Nope. Not a one using a "real" programming language (C,C++,Java,etc.) yet, at the very least. I've tested some of the game making software like Game Maker before and I sometimes mess with game files to do small-scale mods, though I don't know if either of those count. [/offtopic]
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