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Production for profit

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it might be tempting to be able to produce things for profit and thus have more money, but in my opinion such kind of thinking (assuming the purpose is to have more money, not to enjoy an economy game) is either extremely short-sighted or even masochistic.

well, suppose you can now produce for profit.
guess what, the game is now balanced in such way that you still have the same amount of money.
except that now you have to produce for profit.


--- Quote from: homunculus on June 15, 2010, 05:58:14 am ---well, suppose you can now produce for profit.
guess what, the game is now balanced in such way that you still have the same amount of money.
except that now you have to produce for profit.

--- End quote ---


Well in my "thinking of the game's background story" way,  "You" (as in, the commander, the soldiers, and the whole PHALANX operation as a whole) are a set of "the best that mankind could gather" and, is supported in logistics by the UN, BUT in supplies and credits by the nations of such UNs. So, From the point of view of those nations, "Im Paying so we can live. Im NOT paying so the commander of the PHALANX unit gets rich".

So, in an economical point of view, you (the commander) are NOT the CEO of that "company". you are just a middle manager. You are not allowed to set the price of the products you make WITH the funding of others.

Also, You are a unit created to Help Mankind. So its expected you pretty much give away all the technologies and products you achieve. Im surprised you are even allowed to sell back stuff. Anim even more surprised that the nations dont set some production/research quotas to fulfill by the end of moth :D (nudge to designers)


--- Quote from: Eaun on June 17, 2010, 08:17:35 am ---
Also, You are a unit created to Help Mankind. So its expected you pretty much give away all the technologies and products you achieve. Im surprised you are even allowed to sell back stuff. Anim even more surprised that the nations dont set some production/research quotas to fulfill by the end of moth :D (nudge to designers)

--- End quote ---

Please no quota's. It is hard enough to keep all the countries happy as it is without making them mad that we didn't discover a new alien technology. Talking about realism here.... Terrorist attack in Mumbai, you killed 10 aliens, lost 3 good men, 1 civilian dies, saved 7 others from annihilation and India gets pissed because you didn't figure out why all the aliens have implants in their throats.

I played X-Com for years, I had to get a torrent for it to work on my newer computers. I liked the ability to sell products for a profit, however the cost didn't pay off until late in the game. It would be nice to be able to sell the items produced for a marginal profit, or make the cost of producing just a little less then buying it off the market. If I can research a new gas grenade and voila it appears in the market for me to buy, why would I even invest in workers? As it is now I only have one base with workers and that is solely to tear apart UFO's that I capture. I would suggest a marginal mark down of say 5%. Not enough to mass produce for profit, but just enough to cover the overhead costs of hiring workers and building the workshop. At least make it worth having a workshop in my base.


--- Quote ---Terrorist attack in Mumbai, you killed 10 aliens, lost 3 good men, 1 civilian dies, saved 7 others from annihilation and India gets pissed because you didn't figure out why all the aliens have implants in their throats.

--- End quote ---

Yes, I know what you mean. One thing that does bug me and that's when a whole bloc of nations go from borderline ecstacy to apathy in the space of three months despite you shooting down every alien ship that invades their airspace... while another bloc puts you on the Christmas card list despite you ignoring them completely.

I've yet to see anything in the UI to explain what it was you did to piss them off!


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