I had an incident where I was letting the time fly by without paying too close attention which resulted in my only two drop ships (one with a very experienced squad) being chased and shot down by UFO's. In such a situation I thought it would be sensible to be able to have the drop ship land and offload the crew. At that point, the UFO can either strafe and destroy the empty drop ship causing the squad to radio for pickup by a new/other drop ship, or the UFO (if determined enough) could land and try to hunt down the squad bringing up a tactical battle. Or it could do both.... Maybe if the drop ship managed to land far enough in advance of the UFO's arrival, there would be time for a camouflage effort thus enabling it to go undetected while on the ground? Thoughts?
Also, in the early stages of the game when I have only a couple bases with a drop ship at each, it would be great to be able to do a brief refueling stop at one base on the way to the other.