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reaction fire fix?
adding that file with the line
set g_reaction_fair 0
does NOT revert to old RF system for me. Neither in skirmish or new campaign. I run win 7 if it matters.
Any idea on how i can really revert to old system?
could someone post full reaction fire spec for the old vs new system, I mean i would like to know how the old one worked, and how the new one works, thank you
set g_reaction_fair 0
set g_reaction_fire 0
don't work anyway
So snipers now are useless in defence - it was my favorite tactics in 2.2.1 ...
Please do something, bring back old RF system while debugging new one or explain how new RF system work.
RF is a big dissapointment in 2.3 :(((
Now I should use next tactics: in each turn one solder should look behind corner - to watch out incoming aliens.
In UFO I should in each turn send scout to to watch out incoming aliens and then return him back to safe area.
It is so disturb :(((
I won't say that it's broken because I *have* seen it happen. However, it only happened once and it was a flamethrower.
Maybe RF only works with some weapons? I had 8 guys standing at the entrance of a UFO, 6 had plasma rifles, 2 had plasma blasters. An ortnok popped out, killed one of my guys and popped back in and no one fired. 7 of the 8 guys had TUs left for a snap shot. The little check mark next to snap shot was checked for each weapon.
It looks like it's 90% broken to me.
I bet I've lost 10 or 12 guys over the course of my playtime because of this issue.
The .cfg file fix didn't work for me.
I just lost 3 dudes to aliens "popping out" of a door. While 4 dudes were pointed at the door and had TUs for reaction fire. This blows.
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