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Author Topic: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models  (Read 17148 times)

Offline Winter

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Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2010, 10:20:15 am »
Well, here's some quick examples of other rank patterns - the colors came out funny, but this was quick-and-dirty.

I did this because I looked at the existing rank pictures, there's really not much there, mostly just different numbers of stars, some white and some yellow.

I really need some more feedback on where to take this - assuming an overlay layer is possible, without shaders as Kildor mentioned, what would be best to put on the shoulders?

Keep in mind that I can also put decorations on the sleeves, chest, back, and other places.

Also, should there be different decorations for soldier specialties?  Or just rank?

I think the patches as you made them are fine -- they're pretty close to current-day military epaulettes. They may be slightly big, however. If you want to make them more traditional, rank is usually worn on the shoulder and the unit badge on the arm, in two separate patches.

We certainly don't want any more decorations than simple unit and rank badges. It's easy to get carried away, but PHALANX is black ops special forces, and should feature minimal ostentatiousness.


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Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2010, 01:56:41 pm »
Well, here's an example of just a simple logo patch, without rank, on the shoulders.  Would this be good to have, and not take it any further?

(Yes, they came out stretched a bit, I can fix that.)

Offline Winter

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Re: Shoulder Patches for new soldier models
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2010, 05:23:16 am »
Well, here's an example of just a simple logo patch, without rank, on the shoulders.  Would this be good to have, and not take it any further?

(Yes, they came out stretched a bit, I can fix that.)

Good stuff. I like it.
