Development > Artwork

Shoulder Patches for new soldier models

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Realistically, only the very high-ups have golden/yellow insignia and you see them in the field very rarely. In other words, I don't think you would see them in this game on your agents.

To my knowledge, most militaries use white insignia and that would be my recommendation too. Especially since the camouflage actually doesn't do anything in the game, a noticable white would be a good color on most of the uniforms. If possible, I'd recommend doing also a black version for the arctic camouflage pattern, since in there a white insignia would be lost on the background.
A bright grey would naturally work too.

--- Quote from: vedrit on May 25, 2010, 06:15:09 pm ---this might require some extra creativeness, but why not have the patch colors mimic the camo colors? IE: the patch for the urban camo would consist mostly of blue or black. Desert, orange or beige

--- End quote ---

That might work but I'm worried the insignia would be lost on the background, like with white on arctic.

I think you should not make the rank and the logo in the same patch.
The logo on the chest and the rank on the arm. Or the logo on the back.

Because of the color, mhhh ... I think bands for the first 10 silver, gold in the next five, for example.
But gold is not yellow ^ ^:)
Or better is the idea from vedrit ^^
And make a bit 3D Effect ;)

Best regards Arthur

Well, here's some quick examples of other rank patterns - the colors came out funny, but this was quick-and-dirty.

I did this because I looked at the existing rank pictures, there's really not much there, mostly just different numbers of stars, some white and some yellow.

I really need some more feedback on where to take this - assuming an overlay layer is possible, without shaders as Kildor mentioned, what would be best to put on the shoulders?

Keep in mind that I can also put decorations on the sleeves, chest, back, and other places.

Also, should there be different decorations for soldier specialties?  Or just rank?

Just a quick question. Were those textures all existing ones? And how many ranks have been planned?

From quick examining I'd say, depending on whose military we rip the ranks from and whether we include any amount of officers, we need from 8 (NATO) to 24(!) (USA) different insignias.
24 is way too much IMO and it would seem logical that the "best of the best" aren't just privates, I'd say we could whip a couple more, for a good ten ranks. Like add the missing two- and three-starred without the curved block and come up with one another insignia to represent the uppermost rank of PHALANX field agents.

I don't know at which rank they should start, but supposing they would use the NATO scale, OR-2 or 3 would make sense to me. Then just go up from there, picking a good name for the rank (for the English version, USA or UK ranks), and eventually get to the officers and pick the first few there.

For the missing insignia, perhaps something similiar to the PHALANX logo itself? Like a cross and a ball on top of one another?

PS. Sorry if I'm going too far into this and feel free to notify me if I accidentally infodumped you too much.

PPS. In case TrashMans mockup in the GUI thread is accepted, I think it would make sense that your agents would have additional decoration showing their speciality, like I said there.

I'm not too particular on the patches, but I would say don't mix the straight and angled arrows (second from left, top line). Other than that, they seem good.

With the colors, the problem with the yellow in my opinion was just that it was too saturated. Grey out the colors in the patches and the camo and I think you might like the results (or maybe not).


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