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Author Topic: Proposal for Installations  (Read 1769 times)

Offline erendor

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Proposal for Installations
« on: July 05, 2010, 10:18:18 am »
Hello, everyone!  Just to submit an idea I had re: the out of base installations - i.e the Radar Towers, SAM sites, and UFO Yards.

The current schema of 'so many per base' is a good idea, but it seems like the limit is too low for the limited utility radar towers and SAM sites actually provide.  As for UFO Yards, I'm not sure why anyone would build more than one per base regardless.

I had an idea for an extended limit to the out of base installations, as well as some GUI data to help people know their limits.

Give people 5 'installation points' per base with a functioning command centre.  These are slots that you fill by creating the various installations.

Radar Towers cost 1 point to build, and there's a hard limit of 3 per base.
SAM sites cost 1 point to build, and there's a hard limit of 3 per base.
UFO Yards cost 2 (or 3) points to build, with a hard limit of 1 per base.

This way you could build a number of combinations of installations per base, while still preventing people from just building 5 SAM sites or something similar.
The 'Create Installations button would have the hard limits listed, as well as the point cost for each installation and the points remaining/total.  With three bases built, it would look like:

Points Left: 2/15
Create Radar Tower (1) - 4/9
Create SAM site (1) - 9/9
Create UFO Yard (2) - 0/3

Building a UFO Yard would change that to:

Points Left: 0/15
Create Radar Tower (1) - 4/9
Create SAM site (1) - 9/9
Create UFO Yard (2) - 1/3

New installation types would be added to the list with their own point cost and hard limits based on their utility.
Just an idea I thought I'd share.