Is there already a thread on details (cannot find

What I'd really love would be a way to create templates and sub-templates (or A standard template and multiple sub-templates) - just a list of items that should be equipped / in inventory... just one queue, no need to safe the position or anything: I guess that can be done by the same function as "right click - equipping" in the order the items are in the queue, starting with the sub-template as that one should override the standard (think "makro"). One could p.E. add the first aid kit to the standard template and all sub-templates automatically get one too (unless the sub-templates add too many items for there still to be enough room left). And of course the possibility to assign a template to a soldier... maybe even in a way that it gets reequippes / updated every time the vehicle takes off (so because of the way it works, they would automatically without the need for more coding equip weapons that weren't ready before but were higher in the queue for their template).
Guess that would make very fast & versatile management possible... don't the aliens already have something like that (except for the GUI of course)...?
( Gah, Sorre me english, stoopid summer sun keeps boiling my brains
