Hey, new to the game (just started playing 2 days ago) and I wasn't sure if this should go here or in the linux section.
I updated the game today (using svn up && make && make lang && make maps && make pk3 && make uforadiant && sudo make install && sudo make install_data in trunk)
and the terminal says I'm up to date w/ 30111, but the in game screen still says 30096 (not sure if this is relevant)
After this update, whenever I load a tactical mission (whether in campaign or skirmish) I can select things with the mouse in the UI such change view levels, select characters etc, but the cursor is stuck as a +, even in the actual tactical screen. When I try and do something in the tactical screen nothing happens, there is no selection/movement box, if I click a soldier directly nothing happens, if I select a weapon to attack with the cursor doesn't change and I get no aiming.
Also, whenever I open an inventory of a selected soldier, nothing appears in the inventory.
Pretty sure this is something I screwed up with along the way, but I'm at a loss (and I'm pretty new to ubuntu/nix).
Anyway, any help would be appreciated.
Edit: Also, the scroll wheel no longer zooms in/out on tactical maps.