Development > Artwork

Alien monster

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Because I don't want to hijack Arthur's thread I've started a new one for my alien monster. I've begun to model a low poly version of the monster and have already tried to bake a test normal map. The normal map on the tail doesn't look so good and probably must be changed. The model has about 1100 triangles and 600 vertices, but it still can be improved. And I have to check if the legs are deformable enough for animation.

Does the head have to be separate? I'm asking because I'm not really sure where the head is. *lol*

Here's a screenshot of the low poly model (left without, right with normal map):

So, have you the same Problem to Bake Normal- or Deformation Map in Blender? I dont know why but i have allways Triangle on it, it looks horrible -.- that was the reasen that i dont make high poly-meshes a long time.
I have all to Smooth shader and the mashes are very close, so i dont know why -.- So the normal maps are not useable.

MfG Arthur

Yep, baking normal maps with Blender can be annoying and I also don't have much experience with it. Do you have any overlapping UVs in your unwrap? Blender can't bake mirrored faces correctly and that'll cause artifacts. I think triangulating your mesh before baking can help a bit, and maybe you could try to change the bake settings. If nothing helps I simply paint over the normal map and normalize it then. Maybe we should check out xNormal.

And here's the monster with a quick and dirty test texture:

Yes, I have try all ^^ i have try all what you list.

MfG Arthur

Can you give a shot from overhead at a slight angle, since that's the view that will be most commonly seen in game?


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