Technical support > Mac

Current issues with 2.3 PPC build (Now with Graphics!)

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Which is what I thought, and was hoping to find.

But as I said, I got a perfect load on "Farm" (downloaded). Other than it looks like completely flat ground, I didn't see anything else different from the other maps.

... and 4 more loads of farm all gave the "spectacular failure" that I'm used to.

Compiling all the farm tiles locally now...


--- Quote from: Mattn on May 28, 2010, 08:49:54 am ---that sounds like there is an endian issue in loading or saving the lightmap data - because they are calculated on a little endian system
--- End quote ---

Ok, where in ufo is the lightmap data read in, and what values should be seen? Do the lightmap values change as you rotate the map? (What's displayed does change as the map is rotated, and sometimes on a per-frame toggle.)

Lets see if we can get some debugging patches, and then see what values are read/used on ppc/x86.

Oh yea -- Local compiled farm maps are "mostly good" with minor issues, and the rare, occasional good.

the lightmap data does not change - it's loaded to a texture in r_model_brush.c R_ModLoadLighting - but this data is only stored in byte - so there can't be any endian issue - so it must be later (when uploading - maybe wrong opengl pixel format) - R_CreateSurfaceLightmap or somethign like that.


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