Technical support > Mac

Current issues with 2.3 PPC build (Now with Graphics!)

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29998, reversed: iBook g4 is fine, mac mini has bad shadows.

30030, mac mini good, ibook has bad shadows.
Retesting 29998.
... and the list of what gets recompiled is NOT the same on both machines.

Full wipe and recompile next.

29998: iBook G4 initially was perfect display. After either f8 or f9 (expose/spaces), it changed and added in some shadows.

It altered shadows if I used f8, f9, or f10. It never removed the shadows completely.

Macmini had extra shadows the entire time.


I thought I had tracked down the spectacular failure case to being the downloaded maps. But "farm" displays perfectly with the downloaded map.

Sigh. The downloadeds seem to be worse, but not guaranteed bad.

that sounds like there is an endian issue in loading or saving the lightmap data - because they are calculated on a little endian system


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