Technical support > Mac

Current issues with 2.3 PPC build (Now with Graphics!)

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29900, one test, abort worked.
29910, four tests, abort worked once.

Yet the code doesn't seem to change between those two. The only code difference is in the base defense callbacks.

29918, graphics working.

29921, graphics "working".

Here's the first problem. The spectacular failure of 30076 isn't there, but the excessive shadow issue isn't going away, and seems to be getting worse -- the back strip is starting to show issues in this build. The excessive shadows are so bad in this version that I spent about 20 minutes trying various things to make them go away; nothing was successful. I can generate "flicker views", although not as spectacular as the 30076 "all wrong / all right" flicker.

Mattn: doesn't make sense - only comments were changed.

29926, branch, 9550 mobility, mac mini, skirmish working perfectly. No bad shadows. 3D geoscape is dark

29926 branch, 9300, iBook G4, skirmish shows bad shadows. 3d geoscape is dark

I'm not testing every revision. If I list revision A and B, then any change between A and B may have happened.

Right now I'm stepping once per day, as I'm almost at "today", and the spectacular failure isn't too far in the "future".


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