Technical support > Mac

Current issues with 2.3 PPC build (Now with Graphics!)

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{20091120} - {20091124} all have byteswap issues.
{20091130} fails to link -- _R_BindTexture not found.

... And rm -rf debug-darwin-universal makes it recompile everything, and work.

There is a makefile flaw somewhere; I'm guessing some header change that should, but does not, trigger some recompile somewhere.

Trunk 28000, dated 2010-01-13, works just fine.

Trunk 29900.
Battlescape works just fine.
However, the 3d geoscape is always dark, never sees sunlight.

Trunk 29910.

Battlescape works.
"Abort" button does NOT -- the first soldier gets skill notes printed on the terminal for skills 0-7, and starts to get a note printed for skill 8. Then the game goes into infinite CPU.


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