Technical support > Mac

Current issues with 2.3 PPC build (Now with Graphics!)

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First revision hop -- {20090930} - 26389 - waits forever for the game server.

The opening movie that plays when you start UfoAi for the first time plays static noise instead of sound. Playback is very jerky on both of these machines.

Just a quickie.

I get lots of messages like
S_LoadSound: Unrecognized sound file type.
S_LoadSound: Could not find sound file: 'geoscape/mail'
S_StartLocalSample: Failed to load geoscape/mail

Yet I've got those files:
stbmac:trunk Michael$ ls base/sound/geoscape/
.svn/           info.wav        newmission.wav  standard.wav   
attack.wav      mail.wav        promotion.wav   ufospotted.wav 

I'm not building the zip files; is that the issue?

no, the problem is with libogg.dylib and libvorbis.dylib - sdl_mixer can't load them - see

Still seeing
S_LoadSound: Unrecognized sound file type.
S_LoadSound: Could not find sound file: 'ambience/firesoft'

26425 2009-10-03 plays ok

{20091019} (26701) plays fine. Map compiler has byteswap issues, but existing map works.


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