Technical support > Mac

Current issues with 2.3 PPC build (Now with Graphics!)

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And here is the new (30076) build with the graphics.

Sadly, the water corner makes too big a file to upload here.

Looking at 30076 on a different machine.

This one is an iBook g4, with a 9550. This supports GLSL shaders and core image.

Turning on GLSL shaders fixes the lighting nicely. But it raises the seconds per frame up to 25.

No shaders works ... well, more-or-less the same. I did find one camera position where the lighting flicker was very apparent. Here are two screen shots, with no motion, key pressing, or anything -- just an example of the back-and-forth lighting issue.

EDIT: Make that a 9550 mobility. (Apparently, "mobility" is an important distinction.)

Finally, here is a look at the rear strip on the wilderness map. This back portion looks so different -- like a sharp knife -- that I'm hoping it gives someone who knows what's happening a forehead slap.

if you have the time - please do some revision hoping to get the revision that reintroduced the lightmap artifacts on the ppc - did you try to disable glsl on the ppc, too? or only on the intel mac?

I do not have an intel mac. Both machines are PPC.

I will do revision hoping tomorrow. The machine that could use GLSL shaders was too slow -- 25 seconds per frame -- to be usable.


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