Technical support > Feature Requests
Option "Start with buildings"
The option "Start with buildings" doesn't make much sense:
if you un-select it, you need to build a dropship-hangar
(6 days) before soldiers can be sent on missions.
The first mission comes up on day 1 or 2, and expires 3 days later,
so it is almost sure you will miss this first mission.
* Allow soldiers to reach missions 'on foot' / by car etc.
if the mission-site is near enough (say speed 100 km/h)
* Change that option to "Base Layout #1 / #2 / #3 ...",
to select from a couple of alternative base-layouts
(this would need just some .ufo -scripts to define these layouts)
See also issue 1551194 on,
Hiring, research and production work with unfinished buildings
I've corrected it in SVN branch 2.0 (future RC5). Please test. In short --- the fist buildings you build in your first base have zero build time with the no_buildings option.
--- Quote from: "Bandobras" ---I've corrected it in SVN branch 2.0 (future RC5).
the fist buildings you build in your first base have zero build time with the no_buildings option.
--- End quote ---
Tested now with SVN-3530:
* building with zero build time only works until you leave build-menu
i.e. when you build a few facilities, then visit hire/buy/research etc,
then come back to build some more, build-time is on again
* there is a huge financial difference between no_buildings on+off:
with no_buildings, the player has to pay for his dropship + interceptor,
so the player with no_buildings cannot build a sensible base
(just entrance + dropship-hangar + dropship leave you with only 53070,
from your 4 million of the standard campaign).
--- Quote ---Hiring, research and production work with unfinished buildings
--- End quote ---
Still not fixed, e.g. you can research while the lab is unfinished.
Also, with no_buildings I got only 1 of each weapon + 3 rockets + 3 grenades,
even on "very easy".
This is barely enough to equip 7 soldiers for the first mission,
and I don't think this is easy or funny...
One more thing on building, though not the same kind of issue previously discussed in this thread.
When I build an interceptor hangar on my second base the second interceptor is stationed on the homebase and I can't transfer it to the 2nd base.
--- Quote from: "Killertomato" ---When I build an interceptor hangar on my second base the second interceptor
is stationed on the homebase and I can't transfer it to the 2nd base.
--- End quote ---
See issue 1551227 on "new dropships go to first base"
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