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Graphic settings Noob Help - What settings?

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Thanks MCR.^^

do you know how to provide a patch ?

Imho it would be a good idea if you applied your knowledge about the params you know in the way bayo described.
In a second step, make a list of the params you don't know.

When can then collect the missing knowledge here.
I assume there is no *one* person who knows it all ;)

Ok No Problem and thanks:

Lightmap block size: from small to large, but which setting provides the best quality?
Texture compression?
Isometric: I never quite understood how and whether the effect only in the Geoscape.
Shadd GLSL?
Vertex Buffer?
Multisampling buffer?
Swap interval:?

Lightmap size: what is it?

You will get your mouseover tooltips today !  :)

please also add an option to disable flares - they might eat a lot of fps, too


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