General > Discussion

Graphic settings Noob Help - What settings?

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"Play the game in CGA palette".

We should also agree & find a consensus which resolutions the game should support, add important missing resolutions & make a advanced graphics option menu with the possibility to customize all the details there & I am also for mouseover tooltips everywhere...

See here (feature request additional graphic options):

Here (patch for additional resolutions):

btw., I also like the idea of vector-graphics or ultra high-resolution downscaled, instead of low resolution upscaled for the GUI & HUD...

The resolutions list should be populated by asking the graphics driver what resolutions are available, like all games do.

What about the resolutions in window mode, which can differ from those available in the graphics driver ?

I shouldn't think anyone would ever want to go lower than what their driver supports in fullscreen. And even if they do, they can always manually override the resolution with a command-line parameter.


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