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Graphic settings Noob Help - What settings?
Many are graphic settings it in this game and I confess I have no idea what the best quality and ensuring the best performance.
Therefore, the request can someone explain briefly what settings improve the quality and what the performance / power?
I click on list all settings:
Resolution: Actually, clearly, the higher the better quality and less performance.
Texture resolution: Also easy to understand the configuration options are self explanatory.
Lightmap block size: from small to large, but which setting provides the best quality?
Anisotropic Filtering: clear, more equal better Qualiät.
Full cost: a little power.
Texture compression?
Show FPS: no impact.
Isometric: I never quite understood how and whether the effect only in the Geoscape.
Shadd GLSL?
Real-time lighting costs: power, illuminating textures.
Weather has cost: performance.
Vertex Buffer?
Multisampling buffer?
Swap interval:?
Gamma impact: None.
Contrast impact: None.
Brightness impact: None.
Lightmap size: what is it?
stretch picture to 4:3 ratio impacts: No?
Enable post-processing shader effects: Cool effects, cost performance.
GLSL shaders leads me to the earth is transparent.
this board is english only - except in the translation boards - and i don't think this is translation related.
--- Quote from: VaeliusNoctu's post (roughly Translated) on May 12, 2010, 07:32:33 pm ---Graphic setting options are numerous it in this game and I confess that I know do not have what the Best quality and best performance ensure that.
Therefore, please can someone briefly explain what settings the quality and what the performance / power increase?
I list all settings to:
Resolution: Actually, clearly, the higher the better quality and less performance.
texture resolution: Also easy to understand the configuration options are self explanatory.
lightmap Block size: from small to large, but which setting provides the best quality?
Anisotropic Filtering: clear, more but better Qualiät.
fullscreen: costs a little performance.
texture compression?
Show FPS: no impact.
Isometric: I never quite understood how the effect that, and if only in the Geoscape.
GLSL Shadd?
real-time lighting costs: power and lights textures.
Weather effects cost: performance.
Vertex Buffer?
multi-sampling buffer?
swap interval:?
Gamma No impact.
Contrast: No impact.
Brightness: No impact.
lightmap size: what is it?
image stretch to 4:3 ratio: No impact?
Enable post-processing shader effects: Cool effects, the performance cost.
GLSL shaders leads me to the earth is transparent.
--- End quote ---
Hmm... VaeliusNoctu, Bearing in mind the limitations of Google translate's ability to translate between German and English, I can just about gather that you are either asking for or are providing a detailed explanation of each of the graphical settings and their effects in-game, am I right?
loooool i do this seconds bevor you.
See below I edited with google too.^^
Admittably I can only explain some of those settings. For the others, I'd like to see some explanation too.
The menu system supports mouseover/tooltips in the HUD. Could we have tooltips in the option menu too (if we had the text for those tooltips) ?
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