My first suggestion is that when RIGHT MOUSE CLICKing over an empty space your soldier should turn
but not move in that direction.
There doesn't seem to be a feature to turn your soldier in the direction you want them to face. As the game exists now if you RIGHT MOUSE CLICK over an empty space your soldier will move to that square. We already have LEFT MOUSE CLICK to do that. Why not use RIGHT MOUSE CLICK as a way of changing the facing direction?
Pardon me in advance if this has already been suggested.
My second suggestion is that it needs to be made clearer who is taking their turn. Saying "team 8" doesn't make much sense to anyone but you developers, lol.
Sometimes I don't know when the civilians and/or aliens have finished taking their turn and control has been returned to me. I just sit there wondering if it is my turn yet.
I really do miss the ability to choose the fire mode of the weapon. There is Primary and Secondary fire mode but I didn't have a clue what that meant (until I noticed the cryptic breakdown saying snapshot or aimed).
You must remember that probably the majority of people won't read the manual and won't know either. Perhaps you could make the icons for the fire modes a little clearer as well as the text that is displayed.
Aimed, burst, and full auto was a great system in Xcom
Footstep sounds needed
Map related sounds would be great too ie if your camera is over trees you might hear birds chirping or over a computer panel you hear electronic sounds. I know this is being picky and too much to ask for a game made by fans but I can dream!
Usually I find looping music really irritating in games so most of the time I turn off the music. Without environmental effects the game sounds dead.
Since the game isn't auto cycling through the soldiers like Xcom did perhaps you could have the corresponding number of the soldier at the top of the screen turn grey if you have moved him or used TUs.
The reason this would be done is to easily remind the player that they forgot to move one of their soldiers. For example, if the number 6 is bright white still it shows that you never used any of the TUs available for that soldier.
Right now I am always paranoid I missed moving a soldier and wasting a turn.
Have an icon to automatically re-center the camera on the currently selected soldier. Perhaps middle mouse button?
SAVE feature while in a mission. Sometimes the missions take a while (especially if you move slowly) and I don't always have the time to finish the map before needing to go to sleep/work.
Would be annoying to lose all your hard work in a mission just because you had to leave for work!