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Author Topic: how to start the game fullscreen from cmdline  (Read 2554 times)


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how to start the game fullscreen from cmdline
« on: August 31, 2006, 02:17:43 am »

i've just downloaded this piece (latest version), curious how does it look...

...but the problem is, that only one thing which opens is window with title, but  its content is white (or black). green buttons and moving mouse cursor can be seen, but nothing more. video is unconfigurable this way, so i think it should be enough to know how to force fullscreen start. (something like ufo.exe +fullscreen, but not know the command for that.) some kind of non-in-game graphics configuration & test utility would be welcome  :)

thanks in advance for advices how to experiment.


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how to start the game fullscreen from cmdline
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2006, 05:00:20 am »
what video card/drivers do you have?


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how to start the game fullscreen from cmdline
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2006, 09:47:15 am »
i must say, a very old one. do you remember that ancient 3dfx voodoo3?  :D  and drivers - under winXP are only a few suitable for this hardware, only homemade thingies (amigaSport3, and few others made by handful of enthusiasts).

i was wondering why the game refuses to run smoothly, because i remember the cristmas special release and it was playable (geoscape, mission, everything...). i liked it much so i am quite sad about this problems...


well, i've just looked into /base/*.cfg files, so that command i was looking for is ufo.exe +vid_fullscreen 1, or +exec default.cfg can be used. yes, it can, but tha game is not working that way :( i think i have to solve this alone in my machine with those aaah-drivers  :roll: