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Author Topic: UFO:AI Technology Ideas  (Read 18029 times)

Offline Hertzila

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2010, 10:56:41 pm »

Offline Prinegon

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2010, 11:11:06 pm »
ATV's :P thats my two cents now wheres my doughnut......
Well first explain, what ATV stands for.

Well, if not liked on infantry, this kind of tech could be rewritten for fighter protection against plasma beams. On fighters the liquid probably would be stored in tanks and shooted from watercannons as a defencive beam autoaiming against the plasma beam (like antimissle missels), or perhaps been sprayed out permanently through blushing assemblies creating a protective fog around the craft.

Offline DiDiT

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2010, 11:18:16 pm »
Well first explain, what ATV stands for.

I think he means All-terrain vehicles

Hummers and stuff would be cool, but since this isn't a open war, more of a urban one, Ugv's effectively beat them at everything.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2010, 08:55:02 am by DiDiT »

Offline Sarin

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2010, 12:02:49 am »
Well first explain, what ATV stands for.

Well, if not liked on infantry, this kind of tech could be rewritten for fighter protection against plasma beams. On fighters the liquid probably would be stored in tanks and shooted from watercannons as a defencive beam autoaiming against the plasma beam (like antimissle missels), or perhaps been sprayed out permanently through blushing assemblies creating a protective fog around the craft.

Problem is, plasma isn't used for craft weaponry (maybe with the exception of missiles), and such assembly would be far too heavy to carry for fighter craft.

Offline Hertzila

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2010, 03:08:53 pm »
Problem is, plasma isn't used for craft weaponry (maybe with the exception of missiles), and such assembly would be far too heavy to carry for fighter craft.

Not even on missiles, they are "kinetic kill" missiles as they are sometimes called, meaning they damage only by their kinetic energy and not with a warhead. The remaining antimatter fuel is pretty volatile though...

Offline Legendman3

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2010, 10:28:30 pm »
by saying ATV you guys get lots of ideas see i did help  :D

Offline The Chemist

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2010, 01:43:18 pm »
With alien materials, the idea of bullets releasing a nitrogen payload inside the body is a good one, although the damage would be done by expansion not freezing. At room temperature nitrogen will form a supercritical fluid at 33 times atmospheric pressure (not that difficult to contain and no need to refrigerate) that has about one third the density of water. Phalanx could use the alien materials to create a high calibre, armour-piercing round containing about 5mls of nitrogen at scuba tank pressures (around 200 atmospheres) in a compartment behind the business end of the bullet. An impact will cause the material to switch to an alternative shape, springing open a fraction of a second after it penetrates the armour and dumping several litres of nitrogen gas inside the target, added to which the bullet will have lost its streamlined shape and cause a massive exit wound. Potentially quite messy.

Alien material bullets that "intelligently" change shape would work just fine without the nitrogen too. Or replace the nitrogen with something really nasty like a nerve agent. The downside of these rounds could be that if they hit a lightly/not armoured target they will pass clean through before they can fully deploy, so the wound will be less severe than would be caused by a simple bullet. Perhaps expanding rounds could be ammo for the sniper rifle or shotgun.

An intermediate step could be simple monomolecular-tipped, armour piercing rounds to make the slugthrowers more effective later in the campaign.

Offline Hertzila

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2010, 03:29:24 pm »
With alien materials, the idea of bullets releasing a nitrogen payload inside the body is a good one, although the damage would be done by expansion not freezing. At room temperature nitrogen will form a supercritical fluid at 33 times atmospheric pressure (not that difficult to contain and no need to refrigerate) that has about one third the density of water. Phalanx could use the alien materials to create a high calibre, armour-piercing round containing about 5mls of nitrogen at scuba tank pressures (around 200 atmospheres) in a compartment behind the business end of the bullet. An impact will cause the material to switch to an alternative shape, springing open a fraction of a second after it penetrates the armour and dumping several litres of nitrogen gas inside the target, added to which the bullet will have lost its streamlined shape and cause a massive exit wound. Potentially quite messy.

Hmm... Would an impact generate enough heat to cause the transformation of the bullet? Adding a microcircuit with the bullet to facilitate the change could make the bullet too bulky.

Also would the material be strong enough to hold all that pressure when shaped as a bullet... Seems somewhat dubious to me.

Alien material bullets that "intelligently" change shape would work just fine without the nitrogen too. Or replace the nitrogen with something really nasty like a nerve agent. The downside of these rounds could be that if they hit a lightly/not armoured target they will pass clean through before they can fully deploy, so the wound will be less severe than would be caused by a simple bullet. Perhaps expanding rounds could be ammo for the sniper rifle or shotgun.

As I said adding a microcircuit to the bullet might make it too bulky and not enough impact-resistant. Also how much would the bullet have to "reshape" to get a noticeable effect on the wound?

An intermediate step could be simple monomolecular-tipped, armour piercing rounds to make the slugthrowers more effective later in the campaign.

I have also suggested this here. Especially the line:
It has the problem that the kerrmaterial requires curved form to keep it from breaking but like I said if succesfully fitted inside an AP round as penetrator it would be the mother of all AP rounds.
AKA: Might work, depends how well you can shape the stuff.

Offline bloodsheder

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2010, 12:11:44 pm »
personally i would leave gas agents in grenades, the post about a nitrogen-thrower can work, the tanks must be in immense pressure in order to stay in a liquid state, when disperse the liquid nitrogen will still stay liquid and will freeze anything on contact at certain limits, not a bad way for extracting frozen specimens for defrosting at the lab. this technology is available to us right now.

Offline Prinegon

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2010, 03:34:17 pm »
There is, however, another benefit you could get of theese kind of bullets:
Put some anastetics into the bullet, medium pressure (cause after the explosion you don't want the bullets to cause too much damage). Still the bullet would be reshaped by the kinetical energy of pertifying the amour (if there is doubt the energy would not be not enough, the bullets tip could be covered in a flamable substance, like the tip of a match, even without having to fear a bad fight behavior too much.
The pressure of the liquid still will cause to explode the bullet and expand into the opponent body, after the heat causes the bullet to transform itself. While the bullet itself doesn't do much of a harm (still it is a bullet and there will be a shooting wound, probably a empty shell inside the body, though), the anastetics will stun large parts of the body. As long as the anastetics work, these parts won't be able to sensor, causing the opponent not to be able to move, stand, grab or use a device, since there would be no nerval feedback on this actions. He would be paralized (at least partially if there is a bad hit).

The worst paralizing effect would take effort if the opponent is hit in the torso (since it is mostly free space, so the anastetics would be able to spread wide inside the body). Hitting the chest could probably cause one of the lungs to malfunction, what would stun you for good, or causing a heart attack (waht would end you for good). Hitting one limb would probably only take out this particuar limb. Hitting the head would turn out bad (well, you'd to have a bullet shot into the head), but I honestly could not predict how bad the paralizing effect would be (might be fatal, too).

Offline homunculus

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #40 on: May 07, 2010, 12:08:28 am »
we already have explosive rounds in rl, our ufo:ai weapon specialists are probably well aware of this (i do not consider myself a weapons specialist).
afaik it's just normal explosives, nothing fancy, and that's at least ww2.
and also bullets that change to nasty shapes on impact are, afaik, ww2.
both are somewhat forbidden nowadays.
afaik, nerve gas is also somewhat forbidden.

so, if we wanted freezing or some other type of fancy bullets, would those be more effective than the explosive rounds we already have from ww2?

i think some hardening polymer might be more effective for capturing live aliens than stun rod, but stun rod is more exciting.

for close combat, i would suggest a heavy hammer.
no armor can totally protect against such concussion power.

Offline Prinegon

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Re: UFO:AI Technology Ideas
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2010, 02:31:12 am »
As I can see you refer to soft point bullets (dum dum cardige), that was common even before the second world war to the end of the imperialistic aera, and the "watching cardige" ("Beobachtungsmunition"), bullets covered with a sulphur mantle, that ignite on impact and got used in the second world war from both the germans and the russian.

The soft point bullet has a weak structure on purpose, so that the impact will cause the structure to crack up and the bullet to deformate easily, giving a high chance the bullet to stay inside the designined target and causing a greater exit wound if leaving the victim. Since theese kind of ammunition is used in police service in quite some states, I don't think this ammo is forbidden by humanity rights (according to (in german)).

The phosphor bullet, however, is not an explosive bullet on itself but more of an igniting bullet. Its purpose was a training purpose. Since the phospor would ignite hitting a target producing smoke, it would be easier to see, if a sharp shooter would have hit a designied target in training. The cardige also could be used to willingly ignite material in battle. However it came to know that the ignition of the bullet would produce high accelerated gases causing great damage to the body, if a target was hit in the stomach eg.

Both kind of ammunition would probably be very affective against no armor. Used against heavy armor the first kind of bullet would be very uneffective, since it was build to deformate easily on impact, the second kind wouldn't have a higher perforate chance than a standard bullet, since the posphor mantle ignites and doesn't explode. The bullets created in this thread were especially designed to take its effect the moment after the heavy armor is perfored, since the kinetic energy caused by the perforation is needed to activate the cracking up of the bullet.