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Author Topic: Base-launched cruise missiles?  (Read 7792 times)

Offline Hertzila

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Re: Base-launched cruise missiles?
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2010, 08:48:48 pm »
Well the problem is that it was hard to tell how the bloody thing works because if you click on some other facilities in your base, Ufopaedia opens with a description, not with an options menu. So I figured out that it must be a classic defense turret like sonic defenses in X-COM TFTD e.g. when your base is under attack you can defend it with it and that is all...Until I discovered that you can interact with it through the base.

Ah, the same problem I had until an UFO happened to fly close to my base. Before that I figured the missile launcher didn't have ammo or it was automatic with a (very) short range.

Devs (or anybody else willing), maybe you should include a small manual-like thing with the main game or as a seperate download/expand the wiki "Manual" article. This manual would include even these very basic things for us who won't figure it out in time (I had problems figuring out how to change the RF firing mode too  ::)).