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Feature freeze stage for 2.3 release

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Again about 2.3.

What current state of 2.3 release? Whats exact bugs must be fixed and what exact functionality should be added before we will be able to branch 2.3-stable and create release?

I know about one feature — savesystem-break from geever. Is there any other must-have feature?

Let`s officially stop adding new, especially big features to the game? We already have some big patches postnoted to the 2.4 (like medikits and new reaction fire). We can add other big patches to this milestone and finish 2.3 without additional work to bug hunting and fixing.

from my side the only thing that stops us from creating the 2.3 branch are the missing ufopedia articles.

once they arrived we have to give the translators some time to sync up, and then release 2.3 - even if there are minor bugs left - we have to release 2.3 to get more attention and feedback.

Thanks for answer, Mattn.

What about
- creating some 'facts only' articles
- declaring campaign mode as incomplete
- release 2.3 as skirmish & MP only
- deliver the 'nice' articles as 2.3.1 ?

One more thing we should do before release — look to all menus and UI to check any inconsistencies and glitches.


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