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Skirmish weapon configuring...

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I must be one complete plonker, but I cant seem to work out how to change my teams weapon configuration in skirmish mode... well, Its not that I cant work it out, Its that the options not really there. All i see are pre-sets and the names for said weapon pre-sets are vague at best.

So, is there anyway of editing the pre-sets or something? Because I really want to experiment with some of the new weapons and a few new team configurations with out having to risk my squades lives collecting and testing them in the Campaign... 

The file you want is base/ufos/equipment.ufo.

So... I have to edit the UFO file myself? Well, that's a Major Bummer...

Maybe there should be a equipment screen like to the one in the multi-player menu? to make it a little easier, you know?

Perhaps, one day. When someone feels like implementing it.

yeah, one day...   :)

but, hard would it be to copy the code from the Multiplayer menu to the skirmish one? If its mealy a matter of copying across code, then editing and testing it, I'll be happy to do it.


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