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UFO:AI Release cycle
--- Quote from: jesper on April 21, 2010, 04:13:48 pm ---Still the SP games develop so different in every game that one might want to play it again, I think I would.
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I don't know about you, but I ended up discovering UFO:AI because I started a new game of Xcom last week ;D
I object to the assumption that single-player games are all "play-and-forget": I was addicted to Civilization II for years, and I never once played an MP game of it. I'll still fire up some of my older games, too; it's a shame Valve doesn't run well on my laptop, or I'd probably be replaying HalfLife 2 every chance I get.
Sometimes, even when you've already exhausted the plot, there's still something to be said for trying something new.
(I also object to the assumption that you can't enjoy a movie or a book more than once, but that's a rant for a different time and place.)
Civilization dont have a narative gameplay. And every body replay sometime games, but how often? every month? every 6 months? What i mean is if you replay UFO:AI, you will not read mails, you will not real ufopedia... it will became another game.
Is it really so bad if it becomes just another game?
Maybe one game you play as a kamakazi commander.
Maybe one game you play as a coward.
Maybe one game you play as a bean counter
Another time you play as a "Give it back to them" (alien tech only once you get it)
Maybe you play with a focus on one part of the tech tree, and then a different part.
XCom was very different if you refused to use psi.
It was very different if you refused to use blaster bombs.
I'm not sure that the last room on mars was even doable if you used neither psi nor blaster bombs. (BB's made it too easy, that's for sure.)
--- Quote from: bayo on April 20, 2010, 12:00:40 pm ---I dont think we can see a single player with an history as another open source project. A video game is more like a movie or a book, it is a narative fiction. People will not play again and again the same thing, thats not the same with MP games or software.
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That statement is provably wrong. There are SP games which I've played time and time again, X-COM included, and which I still pick up every now and again to enjoy them some more. People reread books and rewatch movies. The only reason why single-player entertainment is on the decline nowadays is because it requires slightly more development and more care, and it doesn't allow publishers and developers to keep squeezing cash out of a single property for years afterwards.
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