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Volunteers Needed Here: (YES YOU CAN !!!) ;) [Obsolete, WIP]

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Hello !
I have decided to start a new thread with complete descriptions of tasks where folks could easily become involved in contributing.

This is meant for those who thought before that they lack the skills to help this project out.
So people, if your skills for these tasks here are lacking, I really cannot help you anymore  ;)...

Once im ok using the mapper can i make maps or something? Id be good at skirmish maps. I think...

Task 1:

We need new textures for the shop. For that we first need some good selfmade photos. So if you can use a digicam you can help here.
The pictures needed do not have to have a very high resolution, because they will be rescaled to 128x128 or maybe a little bit bigger anyway.
It would be nice if you could cut & rescale the pictures to 256x256. Please take care that the scale of the fruits is okay, so apples & bananas should not be bigger than they are in real-life.

If you want to see where the shop-textures are used simply start UFO:AI->Skirmish Mode->village commercial & look around.

More variations (fruits of all kinds) are welcome. Take your cam & storm the next supermarket ! Here you CAN help !
Yes You Can !  ;)
The pictures needed should look like this:

If I get those pictures, I will volunteer in making nice normalmaps for them & you will have your stuff in-game for 2.3  ;)!
& while doing stuff never forget this stolen refrain from a bad song with a great text:

You Can Get It If You Really Want
You Can Get It If You Really Want
You Can Get It If You Really Want
But You Must Try, Try & Try


Stop searching pictures in the Internet. You have to make them yourself, this cannot be used because of licensing questions !!!


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