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Author Topic: Alien Dietary regimens  (Read 3277 times)

Offline Jeep-Eep

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Alien Dietary regimens
« on: April 03, 2010, 02:00:37 pm »
Basically, the idea behind this is that Aliens are likely to require chemical compounds or elements in their diets which are either rare or unavailable in terran biology, and are likely not to survive without the proper foodstuffs. So your scientists, if they wanted to keep them indefinitely and maintain the hive mind, would need to figure out what their 'natural' diet was, what, if any exotic chemicals they needed in this, as well as proportions of such things as sodium, potassium, taurine and other amino acids, fatty acids, iron, that sort of thing, so to prevent malnutrition, as well as any substances to avoid. To research a diet, you'd need both autopsy data and at least one live individual in containment. Without a diet for a species, after a certain period of time, varying between species, there would be an X% chance each day, cumulative, that an individual that it would die of malnutrition or toxicity. Some would be pretty fast to die, like anything which needed arsenic instead of phosphorus. I figure a good thing to study would be animal diets in zoos and how they get some animals to feed.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 01:35:09 am by Jeep-Eep »

Offline homunculus

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Re: Alien Dietary regimens
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2010, 06:33:34 am »
what about even if you do researched live alien or even diet, the aliens would still die randomly.

and from the gameplay point of view, if you needed x number of live aliens for some research in the later game you would have to temporarily intensify your capturing efforts.