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I love this game so much

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You should be able to find the latest precompiled installer in this thread.

alright cool that is the one i have. thanks man

ok Ive got another quick question are alien bases implemented in the latest dev release? and if so how the hell do you find them? Also is XVI implemented in the latest dev release? and if so what triggers it because im well into my 3rd year and still havent even seen a zombie....

Tad yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. All the stuff in 2.2.1 is in 2.3 we dont delete features we add and improve. And by we i mean the admins

Yeah I was so glad to find a copy of UFO X-Com at a computer shop that sold old games and 2nd hand items. I paid 3 bucks for it, original package. It was all able to fit into a thumb drive


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