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UFO:AI Technology Ideas
That's no matter for me. I cannot play 2.3 anyway. the download size is too large and my computer is slow (don't say about upgrading). Doubt 2.3 will run well (or at all).
About unfair... what is fair on unfair is relative, and what do you say about the blaster bomb? But let's hear from the others.
Now, about new tech ideas, as the topic title said. Why don't the aliens use lasers? If human uses infrared laser, then let's give the alien UV or X-ray lasers, that can dissociate molecules directly and not damage by heating.
--- Quote from: kodosapiens on April 14, 2010, 04:21:02 am ---Now, about new tech ideas, as the topic title said. Why don't the aliens use lasers? If human uses infrared laser, then let's give the alien UV or X-ray lasers, that can dissociate molecules directly and not damage by heating.
--- End quote ---
While one can only guess why they don't use them immediatly (story-wise), even x-ray lasers would be a downgrade from particle beams.
I see. So we expect a weapon stronger than particle beam then. Or, something with more functionality.
But laser is silent and invisible (meanwhile, human infrared laser has visible beam and sound in the game) while particle beam is visible and loud. With the same energy, laser have more particles (photons) than particle beam. Maybe this can compensate somehow, along with the stealth factor. Maybe in the future there will be a race that is so small, that particle beam cannons are too heavy for them. Or maybe particle beam is expensive and difficult to produce, even by aliens' standard. Or the aliens don't want to risk humans collecting particle beam ammo, so they use it rarely (maybe mainly for base defense or major assault).
Another idea: When the aliens realize that humans use IR laser, they start to coat their armor with thin reflective materials.
As far as nostalgia goes, I do have very fond memories of the XCOM Blaster Bomb... No need to repeat the huge blast radius, it was still the ultimate guided missile. Turning around corners was just awesome for players but it was rerely used effectively by the aliens. A great way to instill the fear of grouping soldiers and a fast and dirty way to give exeperience to rookies ;D
Self-destructing combat robots (Cyberdisk anyone ::) )
Oh and someone mentionned Chrysalids... I DO hope some kind of egg-laying horror like it gets added, it was especially terrifying on a Terror mission at superhuman level (where it took several explosions to kill even one), but once we had the flying suit they became much less of a problem, unlike the tentaculat from Xcom2, too damned frustrating in it's ambushes :'(
I did'nt see anyone mentioning some kind of "Phasing" technology, to allow a craft to escape from a single hit, or a soldier to pass through a wall...
My sugguestion is a new kind of ammo:
Nitrogen bullets
Requirements: Alien Materials
The research, to fill bullets up with liquid nitrogen, is about 30 years old. Aim was to research a flechette ammunition releasing a decent amount of liquid nitrogen over heavy armor on impact that would brittle the material and makes it useless for protection.
The only progress we made was in anti tank ammunition. The grenade consists of two different parts. The back of the grenade is just a dewar flask filled with liquid nitrogen, while the front is prepared with a contact explosive strong enough to crack up the mantle of the projectile on impact.
However, this technology was not adaptable on bullets. Bullets are too small a dewar flask would be a possibility to storage the liquid nitrogen without vaporization. The ammount of nitrogen is much smaller in a bullet than in a grenade. Both problems require to store the liquid nitrogen in the bullet with high pressure.
This leaded to the problem to research a bullet body strong enough to endure the pressure of the inserted liquid nitrogen, but still being cracked up on impact. To work with an explosive head, like we did on the greandes, was no option, because even under high pressure the ammount of nitrogen stored in one bullet is not very high, so the kinetic energy caused by an explosion would conter the freezing effect of the nitrogen.
The solution to this problem is in the alien Materials, since it is strong enough to widstand a high ammount of pressure even if the material is only some nanometers thick and changing its form depenent on heat. So we were able to produce a bullet that has predetermined breaking points consisting on alien materials only some nanometers thick. The material is thin enough the friction energy of an impact is enough to make the bullet change its form and to crack up on impact. The freezing effect of the nitrogen loweres the integrity of the amour and leads to frostbites.
However the production of this ammunition is still very expensive. But this ammunition has some more drawbacks. If fired on unamored enemies the friction energy on the impact may not be enough to cause the bullet to crack up. The damage done may be lesser than the damage of a normal bullet against unamored enemies.
Since the core of the bullet is liquid the flight characteristics of this bullet is slightly different. Aiming is a little bit harder with this bullets and the range is reduced. The magazine is very reactive to heat. So if you carry arround a magazine of nitrogen bullets take care not to be set on fire or be target to explosions, since the heat may be enough to cause the bullets to crack up.
The damage of the bullets is reduced. The accuracy and the range is reduced as well. But hitting with a nitrogen shot reduces the amor value of the hitted amor part permanetly.
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