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UFO:AI Technology Ideas
Ok, true that. I forget (yes, I am so old I played the original Ufos ;) )
Still, I would think that when one of them gets attacked or even killed, they would become more hostile and regroup.
I'm just throwing some thoughts and ideas out there.
To be honest, I was just thinking about tech we either have now or might have in the short future and the tactics being used.
Though it is never good to implement current or possible future tech into games because often enough real life progresses a lot faster and comes up with stuff quicker then you could image.
I remember a similar discussion about BattleTech and how, against todays weapons, a BattleMech would not last very long.
Though pls no computer virii to cause the mothership to explode. kthx! ;)
I'd also think that much of what we have, the aliens would have discovered long ago and would also have a large arsenal.
f.i. if we have shields, they might use telekinesis.
if they can control minds, why not use the civilians against the troops? And put a plasma bomb in their hands. 'LargeHeadedStrangeLookingFellow is great!' *boom* :D
Heck, they kidnapped so many of us, they should know how to best control and kill us.
@Rest of list
no problemo!
Thanks for reading!
Hmm....ghillie suits. That would be awesome.
We would need more grass on maps, so you ca hide better :P
--- Quote ---against todays weapons, a BattleMech would not last very long.
--- End quote ---
But, Then again, it would still be able to do sizeable damage in a battle and, so long as it had some sort of Plated Reactive armour, it would turn the tide of any fire-fight so long as no anti-armour weapons come into play. ;D
ALSO, on a unrelated note, just Crazy idea, but... what about Incendiary flechette-based shotgun rounds?
and what about micro-neutron grenades? neutron bombs can easily cook enemy's in a burst of high energy radiation, but the radiation has a very short life, dies away quickly, and doesn't physically damage its surrounding, useful for killing a target but leaving equipment intact.
I see this topic as general brainstorming for Ideas, tha could possibly com into game. As long as developers get inspired about the different kind of techs, there is no actual need one of theese ides find their way into the game (althoug I'd love to see some).
A new Idea: Anti-plasmatic shield
This piece of amor mainly consist of a kind a bunch of chambers storing a chemical liquid (or gas) each containing of plasma sensors on the surface. At the moment of an plasma impact the sensor will cause the hitted chamber to explode (like the and atomize its liquids into the air-plasma micture. The mixture of these both gasses causes a endotherm reaction to happen, binding the ionised hydrogen into a rubbish-PU-Foamlike substate and also lowering the temperature of the incoming plasma. The energy of the plasma is even more reduced, since this foam normally melts, also using up energy of the plasma beam. (i don't know what chemical liquid could be believed to do a exothermal reaction to plasma, but there possibly is one). However, since the amor is "bombed in pieces" by usage even few shots may destroy the anti-plasmic shield. The damage to the amour is not dependet on the weapon type. A Plasma pistol will as well bring one of this chambers to explode than would a heavy plasma. It is a nice addition against plasma weapons, but helps against no other weapon. So you probably wouldnÄt like to carry arround the extra weight, as long as you don't face plasmas. Although it would be technical possible to resist a heavy plasma with nearly no ammount of damage, the extra weight of the liquid required would overcome the benefit.
ATV's :P thats my two cents now wheres my doughnut......
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