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Ok, no saving - How about hibernate?

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I understand the argument behind "no saving during battle" and I support it. However there is a solution, "hibernate" the the battle if you need to, "resume" when you can. The difference between saving and hibernation is obvious, you can never ever reopen a hibernated game. Once opened, you can't go back. So, when you make a mistake, you cant reload.

One could say, "OK, why not just hibernate your PC then." Unfortunately, this is not a solution for most Linux users.

It still hits the issue that nobody is willing to implement and maintain it.

You know, I've noticed that a few of the games I've been playing lately (e.g. the remix of Final Fantasy VI for GBA, I think the GBA & SNES versions of Dragon Warrior too) have a "quick save" feature that will write the save info & then take you immediately back to the main menu/title screen, so all you can do is reload that quicksave or quit the game.  But as soon as you load the quicksave, the save slot is erased, so there's no long-term storage of the data, and there's no going back to re-do things you've already done.

I've been lurking sporadically for a few years so I'm generally aware of all the debates that have gone on about the mid-mission save being potentially abusive, but I haven't followed the threads closely enough to know if nobody's willing to implement a feature like this because of the potential for abuse.  Is that why?

No, it's just the buckets of time and effort that are involved.

As a player I fully support the view of the game designers.

As a bug-hunter, I'd *love* to see this feature, so I ventured into the appropriate part of the code, only to find that the benefits to bugfinding don't seem to justify the amount of work needed to implement it.

'nuff said.


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