General > Discussion

UFO:AI needs you. Yes, you.

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if you're both a talented artist and a trained musician, I' suggest you should focus on modelling.
Afaik we don't have a particular lack of music. We have a lot of completely missing models though.

So use your free time to create models. You can use the remaining time to create music, though ;)

I noticed this thread appears to be pre-2.3.  Is mapping help still needed?  I'm a coder, but I'm a java guy, not C, so I'm probably not the best person to code.  I'm not an artist, but if some mechanical grunt-work is needed, I can certainly do that.


--- Quote from: dfscott on July 11, 2010, 03:57:52 am ---I noticed this thread appears to be pre-2.3.  Is mapping help still needed?  I'm a coder, but I'm a java guy, not C, so I'm probably not the best person to code.  I'm not an artist, but if some mechanical grunt-work is needed, I can certainly do that.

--- End quote ---

Yes, we could certainly still use your help.  I've been out for about a week or so, and am still trying to catch up on things, but one of the other admins can certainly tell you what maps we need.

I'd suggest getting familiar with UFORadiant, our custom map-editor.

Hey dfscott. If it's mapping you want to do, start here. Post in the mapping forum if you have any questions. Mapping is a recurring need, and at this moment there aren't many people doing it.


--- Quote from: H-Hour on July 11, 2010, 01:20:03 pm ---Hey dfscott. If it's mapping you want to do, start here. Post in the mapping forum if you have any questions. Mapping is a recurring need, and at this moment there aren't many people doing it.

--- End quote ---

Ok, cool -- I've already started playing with UFORadiant so I'll start there.  Thanks!


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