General > Discussion

UFO:AI needs you. Yes, you.

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What do you mean by contribute? I would like to help

con·trib·ute [kuhn-trib-yoot]  verb,-ut·ed, -ut·ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to give (money, time, knowledge, assistance, etc.) to a common supply, fund, etc., as for charitable purposes.
2. to furnish (an original written work, drawing, etc.) for publication: to contribute stories to a magazine.
–verb (used without object)
3. to give (money, food, etc.) to a common supply, fund, etc.: He contributes to many charities.
4. to furnish works for publication: He contributed to many magazines.
5. contribute to, to be an important factor in; help to cause: A sudden downpour contributed to the traffic jam.

lol.....  ::)

basically they want help from the public. in any way or form from the top topic.

or Donating Sounds and what not for the Greater good of this Awesome Game in Development stages to make it better more unique. and even more awesome than it already is..

How could i contribute? Im good at map making if i can figure out the game engine mapper thingy maghig... Ya  ;D

give it a try you wont know if you dont try :D

myself i would giving the whole level editing a go.

but i kinda do that in my real life job...  i kinda only like to play other games...   not design them... playing other games helps me unwind from the stress of designing. in Unreal 3 editor..


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