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Author Topic: the 'Invisible Beach Chair' Glitch  (Read 2203 times)

Offline DiDiT

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the 'Invisible Beach Chair' Glitch
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:23:16 pm »
I keep having a (if somewhat minor) Graphics glitch with the altHUD which has been quite amusing, yet slightly worrying at the same time.

I'v called it the 'Invisible Beach Chair' Glitch because sometimes, the Actors in the Character portrait box seem to look like their sitting down on a invisible chair with one leg slightly up, their arms behind head and their head tilted back. It only happens in the altHUD, since its the only one with a full sized character protrait box and looks like a forgotten animation or something that wasn't removed.

Now that I think of it, I REALLY should take a screen shot of it next time it happens...