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UFO:AI Online

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Im like you, Battle. I far prefer PvE, but yeah, we are kinda the minority when it comes to MORPGS. I think that, for this game in particular, without the PvP focus, it would be far to similar to the squad-based UFO:AI. Sure, if all goes well (If it even gets made), it might be a blast, and sure, certain aspects would be easier to do, but other than turning UFO:AI into a MOFPS, PvP focus is about the only way to go.

Well, there's still the licensing issue - if you don't make a GPL game you're still going to have a big problem with content.


--- Quote from: vedrit on March 24, 2010, 01:22:02 am ---With licensing issues aside

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I know


--- Quote from: vedrit on April 01, 2010, 06:20:22 am ---Yeah, I know

--- End quote ---

I'll tell you what - If you really want to do such a project I can get you part of the way there, as far as content goes - meaning I can release alternate versions of the new soldier models when they are done, and some soundtracks as well under a non-exclusive license or dual license alongside the GPL, so you could use that content.

As for all the other content, SFX, graphics, music, and whatever else, all that stuff you'll need to replace with content from elsewhere, or track down the authors and beg them for permission to use that stuff in your project.

Unless, of course, you can change engines to use something that is GPL-compatible.

BTW, I remember seeing online sources for free graphics/textures that don't work with GPL but are free for freeware projects, forgive me as I don't remember exactly where they are on the net so I don't have any links handy, but that would also be a good source for content.

When I hear the idea "lets make a MMORPG" I cant help but think of it as naive.
Making any game is usually much harder and troublesome than it seems at start, even if you use a finished engine, you should keep this in mind.
For example, take note that the graphics from UFO:AI alone are very little. Take a look at how much content does an average MMORPG offer. Its far more than what you have in most single-player games.
Those are just general warnings though. More importantly, I dont see your concept. It seems as if you dont have it though out yet yourself.
The first thing you should consider is: "what will be the fun in this game?".


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