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Author Topic: Hiring new people... am I missing something?  (Read 3571 times)

Offline DemoCar82

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Hiring new people... am I missing something?
« on: March 13, 2010, 05:40:42 pm »
Just downloaded 2.2.1, started playing it, looks really good. Question however, I play the first mission, and a few of my soldiers bit the dust, so when back to the base, I want to recruit some new soldiers, so I go into the hire screen, and it won't let me... and yes I have more than enough Living Quarters. Any help here? Thanks.

Offline Sarin

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Re: Hiring new people... am I missing something?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2010, 05:44:45 pm »
There is a limited recuiting pool. Every month, you are assigned a number of additional troops you can choose from. Number of troops depend on difficulty level, so if you lose too many soldiers you just have to wait to get new.

Offline Sgt. Hatter

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Re: Hiring new people... am I missing something?
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2010, 08:20:30 pm »
You've really got to work hard to preserve your squad carefully, early on.  Get a hospital and hire some medics in your starting base quickly, and in missions, minimize your casualties.  Until you've got a few months under your belt, you will not have enough soldiers in the hire pool to easily replace your losses on Standard difficulty or higher.

Do not let a squaddie go into battle without armor, and give armor a priority when it comes to research.  Research long-ranged, high-accuracy weapons (like lasers), as they'll let you engage aliens outside the reach of their plasma weapons.  This'll serve you well until the aliens start wielding particle beam weapons, at which point you'll lose much of your range and damage advantage.  Until you get lasers, the Machine Gun, Sniper Rifle, and Grenade Launcher will be your constant friends.

Even once you get lasers, don't neglect your grenade launchers.  They're exceptional for indirect attacks on aliens behind cover, especially once you learn how to place grenades well - don't neglect the "timed" fire modes!
« Last Edit: March 13, 2010, 08:26:41 pm by Sgt. Hatter »

Offline Sarin

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Re: Hiring new people... am I missing something?
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2010, 08:28:01 pm »
At one time, I had a squad equipped ONLY with lasers and one flamer and grenade launcher...and it worked well, damn well.

Offline DemoCar82

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Re: Hiring new people... am I missing something?
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2010, 11:08:33 pm »
Interesting, I will have to keep all of that in mind.

I am an old school X-Com/UFO Defense player, usually get a bug up my butt every year and play the heck out of it for a few months or so and give it a break until next year, I had been keeping pretty good tabs on the development on this game, just never downloaded it and tried it, I can see this could be really good.

I know this isn't the section to ask about some of this stuff, but...

Ver. 2.3, should I just go ahead and download it and go with it? I am running Win 7 64-bit, and the only bug with 2.2.1 I have found is the fullscreen thing, but was able to get around that with advice I had taken from another thread to open two games of Alien Invasion then fullscreen it and it works fine.

Love the new stuff from what I've found with the game so far, the only game I have found to be a worthy addition to the original... I didn't even care for TFTD or Apocalypse myself. But hey... the original set the bar pretty high right off that bat...

But any other advice on the 2.3 and just some minor differences with the game would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

Offline geever

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Re: Hiring new people... am I missing something?
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2010, 11:22:06 pm »
Ver. 2.3, should I just go ahead and download it and go with it? I am running Win 7 64-bit, and the only bug with 2.2.1 I have found is the fullscreen thing, but was able to get around that with advice I had taken from another thread to open two games of Alien Invasion then fullscreen it and it works fine.

But any other advice on the 2.3 and just some minor differences with the game would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

Minor :D. It's very different, especially the campaign. You can count with more bugs ofc. -- it's not yet released(!) and probably the most important thing for you is that saves are incompatible (2.2 <-> 2.3).
