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Author Topic: X-COM Play By Post (link to SA Forums)  (Read 2943 times)

Offline tetrahedral

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X-COM Play By Post (link to SA Forums)
« on: March 16, 2010, 04:04:12 pm »
Hi guys,

(Quick intro: I've been following development since the mention in PC Gamer in '08, but really don't have anything to contribute to the process, so I've kinda just been lurking.  Very excited for the 2.3--so much so that UFO:AI is one of only TWO sites that I stop by to check for updates every single day [the other being RedLetterMedia for the AotC review ;D ].  Hopefully I can start hanging out here & getting in on the discussion now that I have a username!)

I saw this over on the SA Forums & thought of you all =)  I guess it's like a turn-based X-COM RPG playthrough?  It's just a cool read w/ pics to set the mood, I like how it puts the same kind of personality and depth into the game as I do when I'm playing (BTW, this is one of the reasons why I love the face that UFO:AI's progress updates come in the form of emails).

Hope you enjoy,


PS--I wasn't sure if this is the right forum for this, but I didn't want to interfere w/ the discussions any of the coding or platform-specific forums, & this doesn't seem to fit entirely into "off-topic" either, if it's out of place then I'd love it if the mods could put it someplace more appropriate =)

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Re: X-COM Play By Post (link to SA Forums)
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2010, 05:02:32 pm »
Random fact of note: the first image used, of "X-Com's Regional Operations Center", is actually Xe/Blackwater's training site.