Development > Artwork

md2 Problems

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i tried to make some changes to laserrifle.md2 so heavylaserrifle don´t look exacly the same as laserrifle...

But my first problem is that i don´t now anything about modelling (myfirst try) =) , the first problem is exporting md2 files after i have used them in Wings 3D, so i tried Blender(modell has a face with out... something) and Milkshape (Found vertices with no bone! No animations are exported!), didnot work, then i tried Quick3D and i can now export it as a md2 file, but the file created by Quick3D is a lot bigger than the orginal file and if i try to use "Quake 2 Modeller" to put a skin on the modell i crashes... so is my modell broken or the programs i use to import/export broken? or am i just stupid?

i can upload the modell if anybody want to look at it...

I have now remade the model from scratch (just to make sure i had not done something strange when i modyfied the original model), still the same problem =(
* *


I have no clue, but have you tried reading the wiki sections about md2 importers and exporters, etc.?

I have, and i looked how the md2 file works and some other stuff, like how the path to the jpg file should look in the md2 file...  might be that i did something wrong with the first model when i modified it and maybe the other model i made from scratch is not textured right?...

And what is a "tris"? and how can a finde how many my model have ( Wings 3D reports that my model have 195polygons, 409edges and 216vertices ).



--- Quote from: "Walle" --- the file created by Quick3D is a lot bigger than the orginal file
--- End quote ---

It is usually a symptom of a "broken model", that is one that looks strange in UFO:AI but can be reexported (using some program... is it 3DStudio?) and then is back small and OK. You can verify if you model is "broken" with base/models/ If you have wrong texture path (can be fixed with src/tools/, the model should still look OK, only red, or something. This is all I know about these things, but surely others can help you...

I've moved this notes to the wiki:

In Blender to export the model you first need to
* enter UV-mode (in "3D View"),
* select all faces [A],
* then go to the "UV/Image Editor" view (not the material buttons) and
* load the texture image (Image->Open).

(You can test if this worked by switching to "Draw type"="textured" in "3D View". Now the model should be displayed with the texture.)

EDIT: If you have scaled or rotated the object you want to export you need to apply these changes: [Ctrl]+[A] -> Apply sacle and rotation

EDIT: If the center of your object (small violet circle) isn't located exaclty in the absolute center (coord-grid center) you need to re-place it by first placing the 3D-cursor into the absolute center [Shift]+ -> Cursor -> Grid and the hit the Centre Cursor button in the [F9] panel Mesh

The you should be able to export it with the md2-export menu entry. You can ignore the message about missing texture path (the second path in the export dialog), this needs to be fixed with anyway.


PS: I think i'll make this posting into a wiki-page (maybe with images) soon. I hope i don't forget.
PPS: Also the export-size is around 10 times smaller than the import size ... you need to scale the model correctly before exporting.


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