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Author Topic: Easy way to find out where a certain texture is used & other tex questions  (Read 3405 times)

Offline MCR

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I want to take a look @ the textures, but do not want to mess with other peoples work, so I

1. need a easy way how to find out in which maps a certain texture is used.

2. want to know if the mappers would need certain textures I could try to create for them.

3. need to know which textures should be replaced anyway, because of licensing questions.

When I know this stuff I can start working on that if you like me to.

Greetinx to all UFO:AI mappers out there, great levels are made already. RESPECT.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 12:59:15 am by MCR »

Offline MCR

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Sorry to all of you for making over 100 posts in the last 2 weeks here, but I have some of my precious time left right now & really want to push things forward here, that's why you read so much from me lately...
But I swear I won't be able to keep this high rate of postings 4 long, but I will try my best to DO stuff here...

That's why I am pushing 4 fast & detailed answers all the time, because there is stuff I can find out through the wiki or by reading hundreds of posts in the forum, but that takes time & energy which then is lost for doing things that really matter  ;)
& most of developers here can answer many of those questions in 10 seconds of their time, but I understand that your timeframe for this project maybe much different than mine is @ the moment...

Thanx again, Mattn for integrating my stuff, I hope it is a real addition 4 all of U.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 07:47:21 pm by MCR »

Offline MCR

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