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Author Topic: Start Production at 0 instead of 1  (Read 3705 times)

Offline joe davis

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Start Production at 0 instead of 1
« on: February 12, 2010, 05:10:24 am »
I click on start production and then I want to make 10 items.  I click on the 10x and I get 11.  Seems silly but starting at 0 is more natural I think. 

Offline Mattn

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Re: Start Production at 0 instead of 1
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2010, 08:45:53 am »
please open a bug ticket for this.

Offline geever

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Re: Start Production at 0 instead of 1
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2010, 09:45:54 am »
I click on start production and then I want to make 10 items.  I click on the 10x and I get 11.  Seems silly but starting at 0 is more natural I think. 

Why anyone would like to produce 0 of anything? It's not more natural, your logic is broken here, sorry.

'Start this production' adds 1 to the production queue, one is the smallest quantity which you can/need to produce. 'x10' adds ten to the production queue and it's fine like that.


Offline joe davis

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Re: Start Production at 0 instead of 1
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2010, 05:21:11 pm »
  The reason I say it is more natural is because when I  start production I feel that the production queue shouldn't know how many I want to make so it starts at 0.  Then when I hit the x1 or x10 button it makes sense that I have 1 or 10, or increments\decrements thereof based on how many times I have hit the increment or decrement arrow.  I find this as being more noticeable with the X10 button as when I hit it the first time I get 11 instead of 10. 
  That seems odd to me, but then, that may be due to my exposure to XCOM: UFO Defense starting at 0 and this game being similar to that game.  I realize UFO:Alien Invasion is not XCOM: UFO Defense and doesn't claim to be nor does it want to be. I realize my preferences are my own and that you guys have provided me with the ability to modify my version of the game to meet my preferences.  I shared this feedback as I felt it was a bit awkward and in hopes that my feedback might be of some use.
  I would like to mention that I think you guys have done an amazing job on the game and would love to see it be the best that it can be.  I know that this feature request is infinitesimal in comparison to the other factors you are working on, but sometimes the little things can influence the overall feel of the game play, and since I experienced it, thought I should share my feedback. 
  I do not profess to be an expert in GUI design by any means, I do not expect you to fulfill my every whim, and I apologize if I offended you.  The feedback was influenced by years of game play and then my subjective experience with this awesome game we discuss, the genuine desire to see it be the best that it can be, and a hope that by sharing my experiences with the game that I can help give back to it for the entertainment that it has provided me.  Though my logic may be influenced by many subjective influences from past experiences, I must assert that my logic is not broken (A prime example of a game using this logic being the primary influence for this game itself).
Thank you for your time in reviewing this request and your feedback.  I appreciate your quick replies, as always, and your dedication and hard work on your game.  I hope you keep up the great work.  I look forward to the new release.  ;D

Offline Trifler

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Re: Start Production at 0 instead of 1
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2010, 06:51:37 am »
I actually agree with both of you. :)

I propose that it continue to start with 1, but change it so that if you press the +10 button, it only adds 9 the first time it's pressed, or rounds down to the nearest 10, or whatever, so that it reads 10 instead of 11.

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Re: Start Production at 0 instead of 1
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2010, 04:25:47 pm »
I propose that it continue to start with 1, but change it so that if you press the +10 button, it only adds 9 the first time it's pressed, or rounds down to the nearest 10, or whatever, so that it reads 10 instead of 11.

Now this I agree with - I've found it irritating myself when I want to make an even number of something, say 10 or 20 of something, and I have to then subtract 1 to get that number because it jumps to 11.