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Author Topic: Missing models for light armour  (Read 2707 times)

Offline EsbenMoseHansen

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Missing models for light armour
« on: August 23, 2006, 08:50:12 pm »
I seem to have no models, and the game complains like this
Code: [Select]

FindFile: can't find models/soldiers/femalelight/light.md2

Lots of stuff in that dir, but no light.md2. Interestingly, it also complains about a few pics/menu/ that are actually there.
Code: [Select]

Can't find pics/
Can't find pics/menu/buya_ul
Can't find pics/menu/buya_ur
Can't find pics/menu/buya_ll
Can't find pics/menu/buya_lr
Can't find pics/menu/button_connect_to_ip

Not sure if this is related somehow.

Lastly, this game is amazingly made, well done! Too bad about the destructable terrain, but really, it made the XCom series too easy in the later stages, so no real tears there.

I'm having a look at the code, considering if and how I can help out.. I'm having a few crashes, but there seems to be some stuff missing in the backtraces... related to some extern refexport_t fe struct (?). A kick in the right direction for that one would be appreciated :)

Offline Bandobras

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Missing models for light armour
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2006, 12:00:02 am »
I can't reproduce your problems. For me the messages look like:

  FindFile: ./base/models/soldiers/malemedium/body.md2

and everything works...

I assume you use SVN trunk and do "make" or "make lazy" ("make release" does not work out of the box)? Do you run ./ufo in the main directory (the one above src/ and base/)?

P.S. Any coding help is very appreciated. See TODO on the wiki, bug or feature requests on sf and/or join the IRC channel.

Offline EsbenMoseHansen

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Missing models for light armour
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2006, 12:33:20 pm »
It seems like it mostly works, I am just missing a few files, or maybe the system has some stale files. Could someone where the light (kevlar) rmour works please check if the files above exists in their installation, and if so, if they are from SVN or elsewhere? The checkout is a mix of a base tarball, + the current SVN. I gathered from the forums here that that was the correct procedure. If not, please enlighten me :)

I'm on the IRC channel as esben now :)

I'll take a look at the bugs and try to fix something.

Offline EsbenMoseHansen

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Missing models for light armour
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2006, 03:40:55 pm »
The light armour turned out to be due to stuff from the tarball being in the way of a SVN checkout. So that's fixed now :)

Offline Bandobras

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Missing models for light armour
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2006, 09:33:40 am »
Yes, the tarball is a history. If you find any texts suggesting you should get the tarball to play UFO:AI, please correct them. :)