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general feedback on 2.3

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edited out a typo in formulas

--- Quote from: setreset1 on February 18, 2010, 11:26:58 am ---A physics comment:
you forgot to square root. The correct thrust would be obtained like this:

assume the antimatter energy is totally converted into kinetic energy:
E = m c^2 = 1/2 M v^2
v = c sqrt(2 m /M)
for 1 gram of antimatter (+1 of matter) m=2*10^-3 Kg
M=100 Tonnes=10^5 Kg
c=3*10^8 m/s
v=6*10^4 m/s, or 60 Km per second, which is quite fast.

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Sorry, but this is erroneous calculation.
You are applying the law of conservations of energy. It's ok, energy does conserve, but not in the way you describe.
Energy of matter-antimatter annihilation cannot be converted totally into kinetic energy of spacecraft, and it is because momentum conserves too.
It is the conservation of momentum that i applied in my calculation.
2mc2/c= E/c = p = Mv
and that's really all.
You don't even need to solve diff.equations for reactive movement (because craft's mass changes too little during acceleration)
and you don't need to mess with relativistic kinematics either (because craft is not going to have high speed)

--- Quote from: Duke on February 15, 2010, 12:46:29 pm ---If the aliens have FTL drives, Einstein has already been proven to be wrong. So his formulas may not always apply ;)

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i agree that in fiction world you are not bound to obey the laws of physics, but isn't less violation of them better?
I think that several sentences about "mass tanks", used in UFOs to accelerate matter to gain thrust in vacuum and mentioning that they could use athmospheric air for this purpose, would greatly increase the credibility of the game (at least for those like me)

--- Quote from: Duke on February 15, 2010, 12:46:29 pm ---A game designer has to construct a nice gameplay in the first place and then find a suitable name and explanation for the 'weapon type 3' he needed for the gameplay. So feel free to come up with a better explanation why humans can't use PB very well.

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I think that engineers could just mention strong recoil that doesn't allow high accuracy.
Or maybe they can claim that PB weapons themsselves are too complicated to reproduce, and then humans would be forced to use unbalanced and not-ergonomic alien guns.

How about console commands? Are there any commands to manage bases or equip soldiers/craft from command line, or is there a hope they will appear? Can i use some kind of scripting language to automate these tasks?


--- Quote from: nanomage on February 18, 2010, 10:57:42 pm ---..., but isn't less violation of them better?

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Agreed oc. And I'm glad to say that my little provocation worked out fine and made you start to *contribute* ;)
We have a dedicated forum for this type of contributions titled 'design'. Could you plz cut&paste your suggestions there ?
Afaik that's the best place to make the responsible devs integrate your suggestions into the game. (@other devs: correct me if I'm wrong, plz)

btw still I believe that 99,9% (including me) of our users are not able / willing to calculate the potential thrust gained from antimatter ;)


--- Quote from: nanomage on February 18, 2010, 10:57:42 pm ---How about console commands?

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Afaik this is the first time this has been requested.
Except for getting rid of alien mats, where do you expect benefits from cmds ?? Gimme usecases !

I just came to check on the forum to see if the game was ready enough to get a good experience out of, and having read this list of complaints I have made my decision  ;)


--- Quote from: Duke on February 19, 2010, 01:49:10 am ---Agreed oc. And I'm glad to say that my little provocation worked out fine and made you start to *contribute* ;)
We have a dedicated forum for this type of contributions titled 'design'. Could you plz cut&paste your suggestions there ?
Afaik that's the best place to make the responsible devs integrate your suggestions into the game. (@other devs: correct me if I'm wrong, plz)

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Any gamer would gladly catch an opportunity to contribute to the game he likes, and i'd be glad too.  I'll try to make a comprehensive text and check maths again before posting there.

--- Quote from: Duke on February 19, 2010, 01:49:10 am ---btw still I believe that 99,9% (including me) of our users are not able / willing to calculate the potential thrust gained from antimatter ;)

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I have been interested in spacecraft propelling since childhood :-) After all, our chemical rockets are so dirty&clumsy that you can't help dreaming about something more elegant.

--- Quote from: Duke on February 19, 2010, 01:53:53 am ---Oops,...Afaik this is the first time this has been requested.
Except for getting rid of alien mats, where do you expect benefits from cmds ?? Gimme usecases !

--- End quote ---

What i'd like the best would be commands for assigning equipment to soldiers and aircraft
say, to equip every soldier on base  A with a medikit, placing it automatically, you's type comething like

foreach $soldier in @(base{"A"}->soldiers) equip_actor $soldier -item="medikit" -slot=autofit

To equip 2-nd craft at the same base with a PB weapon it would be

equip_craft $(base{"A"}->aircraft)[1] -item="Particle Beam Weapon" -slot=1

Of course syntax is totally arbitrary, it can be any other if it fits the game more. I do not know the game code at all.

btw, are there any docs i can read to know it better? :)


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