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Author Topic: Where can I find more on commands and dataids for menu scripts?  (Read 4539 times)

Offline joe davis

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Where can I find more on commands and dataids for menu scripts?
« on: February 07, 2010, 10:06:58 pm »
I was wondering if there was a list of the cmd or @(like @edit or @click) commands used in the menu scripts somewhere?  I was also wondering if there was a list of Dataid's that are being used.  Also is there more documentation other than the wiki scripting that may describe the use of <1> <2> which seems to be used like arrays, but not sure where they are defined.  Also ran across a mention of using unique character numbers and would like to know more about that.  I appreciate your time and feedback.  Thank you.  Sorry if I am confused about what I am looking for.  Trying to study the scripting, and modifying the menus so far.

Offline geever

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Re: Where can I find more on commands and dataids for menu scripts?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 10:33:57 pm »
I was wondering if there was a list of the cmd or @(like @edit or @click) commands used in the menu scripts somewhere?  I was also wondering if there was a list of Dataid's that are being used.  Also is there more documentation other than the wiki scripting that may describe the use of <1> <2> which seems to be used like arrays, but not sure where they are defined.  Also ran across a mention of using unique character numbers and would like to know more about that.  I appreciate your time and feedback.  Thank you.  Sorry if I am confused about what I am looking for.  Trying to study the scripting, and modifying the menus so far.

The main documentation of menuscripts is here. (Check the links and the UI node behaviours page too which is an autogenerated docu of nodes)

Different node types (widgets) may have different events, see UI node behaviours too.

Dataid-s are defined in the code (svn m_data.c, m_data.h).

<1> and <2> (and so) are first and second (...) parameter of the function (func, confunc), they're not arrays but scalar (string) values.

I hope this helps. ;)

Offline joe davis

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Re: Where can I find more on commands and dataids for menu scripts?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 11:11:22 pm »
Yes, this helps, thank you.  I was aware of the first two under scripting in the wiki, they are very nice :).  The m_data.c and m_data.h definitely gives me something to study :D.  However I am still over looking any list of cmd or @ commands.  I apologize if they are there and I am not seeing them, I can be slow at times ::)  But can ya point them out?  Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.

Offline joe davis

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Re: Where can I find more on commands and dataids for menu scripts?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2010, 01:06:00 am »
Ok, so am I accurate in perceiving the words that follow @ as being the node properties, methods, or events as opposed to commands?  And is there a list of cmd commands, that are used in the node creation, somewhere other than studying all the c code?

Offline geever

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Re: Where can I find more on commands and dataids for menu scripts?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2010, 10:19:21 am »
Ok, so am I accurate in perceiving the words that follow @ as being the node properties, methods, or events as opposed to commands?  And is there a list of cmd commands, that are used in the node creation, somewhere other than studying all the c code?

cmdlist console command.

Note: (Quite) Some commands are only available in campaign mode. cmdlist will not show them unless you've started a campaign.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 10:25:39 am by geever »

Offline bayo

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Re: Where can I find more on commands and dataids for menu scripts?
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2010, 04:56:33 pm »
You also can type "mn_" TAB on the console. You will have a list of command from the UI. mn_push, mn_pop...